Days after his father left for the Middle East, he thought of a lot of things. One of which is starting a small business. He once told me about the idea and I just nodded. I didn't really entertain the thought that much.

"Ma, I sold my ice pops."

I never thought he was serious about doing a business. In response to the very shocking turn of events, I brought him to the grocery store the next day and bought him a couple packs of ice pops. We also came across a cardboard with holes and numbers above each. From the holes hang balloons in varied sizes. Whoever wants to buy a balloon needs to pick a number to identify the size of the balloon he/she gets.
"So, you're a businessman huh!", I said as I patted his shoulders.
"I'm a businessboy, ma.", he said with pure innocence glowing in his eyes. "I'm not a man yet, I'm just a boy.", he added.
I told his father about his son's recent inclination to business. He felt pity, instead. I told him he should be proud. Of course, he is proud. Which father wouldn't? I asked my son why he is doing business all of a sudden. His reply tore my heart into pieces.
"So that Papa wouldn't go abroad anymore."
I wasn't able to say a word. There was just silence and my son just returned to his childish plays while I remain glued in my seat.