Saturday 10 October 2015


“Mama, I don’t want to grow up!”

After the day’s work, or shall I say going ‘round our neighborhood playing, Mark’s finally settled on our six-year old couch.
He talks about his wonderful experience he and his buddy, “the amazing spider-buddy,” has gone through. Though my interest was on the early evening television show, I had to shift my attention to my overwhelmed explorer. His eyes glow with enthusiasm and teeming innocence steams through his appearance.

Then, he kept quiet.
I turned my attention back to the television. He did too, but his mind isn’t.
He then said, “Mama, I don’t want to grow up.!”
I felt a sudden jolt from whence I sat. I was concerned. “But why, Marky?”
“I don’t wanna grow old like Lolo. I don’t wanna DIE. Mahadlok ko mamatay. (I’m scared of DEATH.)”

I know if I am going to tell him that Death is a natural phenomenon, he wouldn’t understand. I told him we will all die and the least we could do is take care of our health so that death won’t come too soon.
This must have been the result of his daily dose of “How are you feelin’ Lolo?”, “Are you okay, Lolo?” and all those words to make sure his grandfather’s feeling alright.

This must have been the effect of his daily routine, making sure his grandpa’s taken his medicine.

Here I thought he said those words because he so loves his childhood he doesn't want to become an adult.


Most often than not, it is always difficult to start composing the PERFECT thank you message. A million “THANK YOU’s” run around my head and they just linger there for days. I want to say thank you more than I could say. But I guess there is no such thing. I can’t just leave those thoughts die a natural death, blown into the core of my emotions. I have to start.
Photo by Jason Rabi III
I’ve had wonderful “Teachers’ Day” celebrations in the past. But this one’s distinctive. This time, I witnessed first-hand the full effort and passion put together to give us a wonderful carefree day. The pampering. The “Grand Entrance”. The ambiance. It was heavenly.
My advisory class in particular was not the grandest among gift bearers but they carry the sincerest HEART. I don’t think there is anything grander than that.

I don’t know, but I felt every stroke of gratitude and appreciation in their cards, letters, messages. Regardless of whether other messages were written in haste, each one of them pierced through me. I was overwhelmed with the extra mile they took getting other students and alumni to write a message for me. I didn't see that coming. I must confess, I was surprised. They caught me there. I didn’t tell them but it brought me to tears.(Now you know..shusssshhh)

Well, I enjoyed blowing up their other surprise too. (Hahahaha…gotcha!)Indeed, I was surprised with the make-shift banner/cartolina. (You know what I meant Jegi, hahahaha). I had the best day ever.

Wait. Another thing, the cake. It was a sight to behold. I couldn’t get my eyes off the intricate designs, the flowers and especially the color you guys chose for me. Perfect choice. I love the color.
The chocolates I received, the flowers, books, bags, messages they will all wither but the LOVE that was sealed along each one of them will stay forever.(naay forever)


This message goes out to all those who care. To all those who feel for their teachers. The SSC. The PTA-EXECOM.