Monday 18 April 2016


I sat on a comfy bench inside a church eager to listen to the sermon as I always do, while my son occasionally poked me to ask a few questions like: why is the Virgin Mary stepping on a serpent(as depicted on the church's stained glass), what's a good ship (supposedly "good sheep" the priest just mispronounced it), what does a shepherd do. Well, I am obliged to answer all those as I may not have gotten all the answers to all the questions I had during my childhood. I'd say, I did good answering his questions. Asking questions would also mean his paying attention to the priest, as I've taught him.

Then the priest's sermon was about the good shepherd and his flock. He talks about the difference between a goat and a sheep. How the sheep usually follows the shepherd and is seldom astray, unlike the goats. Eventually he talked about gay marriage. He explains how the church prohibits such union. That marriage should be between a man and a woman. I very well understood where he's coming from but when he said with conviction that the affection shown by one man to another or one woman to another is " NOT LOVE, IT IS A LIE!"

I couldn't help but ponder on those words. I couldn't help but ask, are we not being so JUDGMENTAL? 

Who are we to say that the person's compassion is nothing but a lie? Who are we to say that it's all but LUST, when they have found the person they want to spend the rest of their live's with? It just so happened that they are NOT any conventional man-woman couple. Isn't it that the greatest of all virtues is LOVE? 

A man and a woman may have gotten married as the Bible says, however, years later, they separated or if not they cheated on each other. While a man and another man went abroad just to be married, came back home and years later their marriage grows even stronger everyday. Which LOVE then is a LIE? Doesn't the latter manifest the love as Corinthians 13 say?

Can we not stop for awhile and think that it is never their intention to be gay or lesbian. It's just who they are. One just does not wake up one day and decides to be gay. It is not some course in college that you'll have years thinking as to what you take up to be the person you'll always envisioned yourself to be.

I personally am not really comfortable seeing homosexuals/bisexuals expressing their love publicly. Well, I always have a thing against PDA (unbearable public display of affection) regardless of the gender. But, I think they deserve to be heard, to be understood instead of putting them on a guillotine armed with the blade of our SPITES. 


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